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There’s a spark of magic in your eyes. Candy Land appears…I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this but I wrote the lyrics of Betcha By Golly Wow (in purple sharpie) on my desk in Spanish class in High School. This may explain why my Spanish sucks (something Sandra and my son remind me of everyday). This morning after dropping my (sweet but slightly sarcastic) son off at High School I heard that song. Never thought that fairy tales came true. But they come true when I’m near you… And I thought… Betcha By Golly… What the fuck? What does that even mean? I never pondered such things in school. See. I’m much deeper now.
Just hearing that silly love song gave me little spark of joy. Before I lost my job I spoke to a Pastor who told me I would find joy in the morning. Did God tell him I was getting fired?
I did ponder that because there wasn’t much joy there for awhile. I sulked. I was bitchy. I thought about things my boss said (like people in LA want their news from a Ferrari. Was I more PT Crusier?)
But after being a Real Housewife I realized I liked taking my son to school.
I liked the idea of hiking in the morning (I don’t do it but I like the idea of it).
I found some joy in the mornings.
Some comes from the “work” I’m doing (my “work” costs my husband money if I dont get some real worksoon he may fire me.)
Sitting in a hospital in Africa waiting for a girl to get out of surgery (like Elsabeth the 13 year old who had already lost her leg and limped to the hospital all alone) you have time to reflect on how utterly self-centered we can be (and by we… I mean me.)
Waiting with me were two already mended kids ( from Ethiopia. Werkkneh had 10 pounds (yes 10) of tumors removed from his his hands. Atsede had open heart surgery and surgery for Scoliosis. They came to help. And in a country with 200 different dialects 2 translators came in handy. Before Mending Kids both kids lived at Mother Teresa’s Home for the Sick and Dying Destitutes. Hard to imagine these beautiful and now healthy kids lived and oculd have died there.
And waiting for me when I got home was my own Mending Kid sweet Sandra (who is at this moment giving me the get off the computer look). Her surgery went well and she will be going home soon.
I SO appreciate when you read this blog and say nice things about what I’m doing. But please know I only do it because it feels good (selfish bitch that I am).
I feel blessed. Not every moment. Not every day.
I still get stressed (daily) and obsess about (very) stupid things. But if I remember to exhale. I’m OK.
I think what I am trying to say is… once again There’s a spark of magic in my eyes…
That was beautifully said, Dorothy. I believe that the reason we are supposed to do things for others is because that’s the only thing that brings us true joy. It’s a system that God set up perfectly!
I would think myself lucky to get out of Dodge, if the mayor of Dodge made the insipid, shallow, and despicable comment that people in LA want to get their news from a Ferrari. Who the heck would want to associate themselves with that cretin, or for that matter live in a city where that thinking takes place? Is LA really that messed up?
This is beautiful, Dorothy! XOXO
Miss and adore you DeAnn ( if I say I miss playing Corn Hole …will people get the wrong idea?)
NIce to get a compliment on writing from such a good writer!
Let’s turn the blog into a (not that funny?) sit com! xo DL
hmmm you’ll find your joy in the morning…lovely.
And my dear, you are a ferrari, not a tacky new one, a classic irreplacable one.
I still can watch, talk about ears bleeding…
Miss you, glad you’re writing, and super glad you’re on instagram!
p.s. really missing your idol recpas…sigh.
I wanted to read your blog and type a response in an email and paste it here so I could remember everything you said and it wouldn’t let me do it…so, this is much shorter than I had hoped….and you will miss all the wonderful things I said…lol
One thing stuck out in my mind…driving your son to school….Dorothy…those moments are priceless…you will see those moments in your head forever.
Ferrari?…is that guy mad??…oh yeah…we can all relate to that…we relate to a twinkle in the eye…a genuine smile…a warmth that can’t be faked…it’s plastic that’s tough to relate to.
My best…
P.S. Why would any of us want to do something that didn’t feel good…silly Dorothy…:)
The last day I watched GDLA was the day you announced you were leaving. Really, that was it. Well, I have to take that back. Once while waiting for my husband to have an MRI, it was on the TV in the waiting area, so I was a captive audience. Probably a good thing, because I realized I didn’t like it anymore! As a born and raised in L.A. native, I can be the judge that I DID love getting my news from you! (I wonder where Mr. Bleeding Eyes was born and raised). I have learned to like the peeps on KTLA in the morning. I still miss your funny and sensitive reporting and the family feeling I had from watching GDLA from its inception. It is wonderful now to be able to see God’s plan for you unfolding a little at a time. I can’t wait to see all He has in store for you! Give Sandra a hug from all of us who have loved her vicariously through you and prayed for her complete recovery
I guess your ex-boss isn’t aware that “baby boomers”..and those surrounding that age bracket…make up a LARGE part of the population…and will for some time to come…that’s one of the reasons your audience has dwiindled Mr. Ferrari.
Dear BFF Dorothy,
First let me say, your husband will not fire you. As a wife who’s job costs her husband (ever increasing) amounts of money I think I can speak with authority. Second, instead of every reply blasting the a– who fired you we should be thanking him for freeing you up to do God’s work. The very fact that he had to demean you to let you go shows his character.
When you are up my way (at your Mom’s?) come see our CHLA thrift shop. Sandra would love it, all girls do.
Keeping you in my prayers.
I watched you for years. We were pregnant at the same time I had my son soon after you had yours, our kids were both in the boy scouts, my Husband thinks their troop (?) was camping with yours when the boyscouts had some big camping thing one year….well he was walking by the tv one day when I was watching you and said, “Hey I think we were camping with her a few weeks ago the voice sounds the same!”
I just started following your blog and I envy that you can help these kids and spend your time doing that. Most importantly that you choose to spend your time doing that. I live in LA too and there are many people who have the means and the opportunity to help people but they don’t.
GDLA made a huge mistake letting you go. However, there are many happy children that are very grateful.
I did camp with a bunch of snoring Dad’s at Boy Scout Camp in Catalina. I have fond memories of all the bees around the peanut butter! xo DL
Dorothy you are so genuine and so blessed to be able to choose what projects to do. I love that charity is your focus now. I do miss the snarky comments when Lalo is getting media attention. You need a web page for the Snarky news lol, Sam fills in nicely . I am a flipper, I love Steve and Lisa and Rick so I watch no t that much. I am having surgery to help my back and I hear my Dr does charity work in Africa, Can’t wait to ask if it is yours . Keep it up! I look forward to reading you posts. Hugs To Sandra
I truly believe God has placed you exactly where you should be, where you can be the most beneficial. You are blessed and are a blessing for so many kids. Just a thought, I have closed out of a kids clothing line I created and have quite a few clothes in my garage. Let me know if you think Mending Kids could find a use for them as a donation. Not sure if clothing would benefit, lots of girly stuff, tutus, bling and such.
Just let me know please and I can send you pics.
Thanks, Yolanda
Yes please Yolanda! Mending KIds ( would love your clothes! #(1818)843-6365 .
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Oh Dorothy, this is so beautiful. So much beauty being revealed in this season…you are such a treasure. I love your heart. xo