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We were friends.
Until we weren’t.
She was a redhead when we met.
I was a redhead too, for awhile.
We met at an audition.
Neither of us got the job.
Who knew we’d spend the next 20 years working together.
We were 2 of a morning TV throuple.
Of course she taught me that word.
Along with phrases like camel toe and turtle head.
Jillian brought fun and cleavage to morning TV.
Oprah did a segment on how she dressed.
And woman never wore jackets on TV again.
Steve Edwards was the anchor/father figure of our show.
Jillian was the weather babe.
Me the entertainment reporter.
But Jill was much more entertaining.
I reported on celebs.
She dated them.
Perfect example…
Pam Anderson.
Jillian worked and partied with Pam.
I was a kindergarten mom & field trip chaperone with Pam.
Jillian & Pam went to Vegas.
Pam and I went to the zoo.
Good Day LA was a morning zoo with (some) news
The real Morning Show.
Minus Jennifer Aniston’s fabulous apartment.
More like the mourning show.
Because after 20 years of TV, we both got fired.
I got fired twice.
Jillian got fired by a guy she was dating.
He fired me too, but minus the sex.
If you’re wondering how you get fired from the same job twice…
It’s complicated.
Like our friendship.
The long answer is we did a local and a national version of the same show. So two shows in one.
The short answer is woman age on TV (especially in LA) in dog years.
Once we no longer had the 4am wakeup call…
I got to drive my son to school.
Then I’d cry.
Jillian’s son was a baby.
She’d cry in his diapers.
After a while (ok, years) I realized getting fired was a gift.
As my husband and I drove our son to college, I realized if I’d never ever driven my child to school…
I may have had some sort of empty nester psychotic grief freakout.
So it was a gift…
Wrapped in shit.
The other gift is that Jillian and I became friends.
In the beginning we’d have an occasional Mimosa after the show.
That occasionally turned into wine.
We covered the Oscars, bought wine at 3am and wore our gowns on the air the next day.
At her bachorlette party we almost crashed a Ferrari.
At her baby shower Kim Kardashian took photos of us.
We had some fun.
But somewhere along the line we went from friends to The Real Housewives of LA TV.
Suzanne Somers used to say…when you girls get along it’s good, when you don’t, it’s good TV.
Sometime after we were TV canceled Jillian got cancer.
After her double mastectomy, Steve and I snuck into her recovery room.
Jillian wouldn’t to tell me when she had Chemo, because she knew I’d show up with food and flowers.
The three of us are closer now, then when we did three hours of TV each day.
This week Jillian and I had a photoshoot.
Almost 30 years later we’re still doing photoshoots togerher.
We were friends.
Until we weren’t…
Until we were sisters
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