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Drinking on the (last day on the) job with Jillian Barberie 10 years ago. I lost my job. I didn’t misplace it. As we say in TV…my contract was not renewed. As we say everywhere else… I got fired. That was 10 years ago (this week). So, I’ve had a decade [...]
I bring toilet paper. Many places are BYOTP (bring your own TP). I bring it for our doctors & nurses. One of the kids at the hospital asks what it’s for. They speak 80 different languages in Ethiopia. So conversations involve gestures. I try to show what it’s for. [...]
I didn’t want a dog. I got up at 4am & didn’t want to get up before 4 to walk a dog. We already had a cat & two lizards (therefore worms & crickets but they weren’t exactly pets). Then our Vet had a litter of pups. Two day old pups. One sat in Nash’s [...]
Someone threw up on the plane. I knew there’d be no Bloody Mary, because of some bloody drunks. But barf? This was before takeoff, but too late to get off. I hadn’t been on a plane for two years. We had Covid fears. And vaccinated friends who got Covid in [...]
Inhale four times. Exhale four times. I’m mediatating. On the potty. I did a meditation for dummies (me being the dummie) Instagram Live interview with meditation mama Stephanie Carson. She says breathing… Even for a few moments. Even on the potty… Is a good start. Stephanie is offering free meditation on Zoom. I [...]
Glad you can’t see me. I look like a smurf. I just applied my Tiffany blue face mask. By the end of this blog my skin will be plumper. My ass will be too… Because, of course, I’m snacking. My hands look like… The 2000 Year Old Man. My hair [...]
She sees a guy with 45 Lean Cuisines in his cart. She says… Sir… It’s going to be ok. She should know. She‘s a psychic. She’s also a Brit, so whatever she says sounds legit. Psychic Natalie reads the people in the market. At Starbucks… She reads the barista. At a restaurant (remember them?) She [...]
We aren’t supposed to be breathing on each other. But somehow I got talked into a Breathwork class. Lisa Breck invited me. I said…no hugging. She said… If you don’t hug me I’ll mount you like they do on The Bachelor. I hugged her. We all hugged. Trish Suhr, of the corn thing. [...]
Went to a fancy party. A book party for my friend Char the psychic. I see an oversized copy of her book on the table. I go to open it. Only it isn’t a book. It‘s a cake. This reminds me of my wedding cake. It was in the shape of Tiffany boxes. People thought [...]
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