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Was Diane Sawyer drunk? She seemed fine (but then again I had a glass of wine).
What was The Donald drinking? Trump went nuts on Twitter. He tweeted “We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington”.
Twitter said Karl Rove went nuts. Next to Trump Turd Blossom (that’s what Karl’s friends call him) was calm. He was just questioning the numbers in Ohio.
So was Mitt but by then it was over.
Romney’s speech was short ( remember he said he hadn’t written a concession speech) but it was gracious. Chris Matthew called it manly. Matthews also said he was glad we had the storm (was he drinking?) I’m thinking he meant it helped The President.
The President finally came out and announced one new policy. His kids are not getting another dog.
It’s a new day. Or not really I guess. Diane and Donald are still tweeting. Sawyer said she read all the tweets–the good the bad and the funny. ABC executives say she was exhausted not drunk. I just had a little hair of the Donald. He tweeted that the election was there for the GOP to win. That Mitt’s a good man who never connected with the people. I agree. But then he went all nuts again. This time on NBC anchor Brian Williams. Trump said Brian is a dummy. I worked with Brian in NYC. Believe me he is no dummy. Brian said Trump has driven past the exit to relevance. I will exit this blog by saying I just watched a little more of Diane last night. She was loopy.
But I love loopy.
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sorry Dorothy have nothing to say except this election left me dumbfounded, shocked, and frightened for this country.