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A bird mistook my car for a porta potty. Actually I think it must have been a flock of seagulls.
I’m going to the drive thru car wash. It makes me think of my sweet Sandra ( my Mending Kid from El Salvador). She thought that was more fun than Space Mountain. I taught her the words to (Workin’ at) The Car Wash. Pretty good for a kid who knew no English. She called me the other day to say she’s learning English in school. She is happy and well and turning 12.
I’m also thinking about…myself. I’m working on a new project. Don’t ask. Can’t tell (yet).
I’m supposed to come up some surprising things about me. What?? That my favorite food is Wasabi Peas? That I’ve been putting fish oil in my son’s smoothies for years and telling him the amber stuff is honey. Fish oil is supposed to make you smart. He should have figured something was fishy.
I asked Nash what is surprising about me. He said “You’d rather go to a Dry Bar then dry your own hair”. I said that would not shock any woman. He said “You’re not a natural blonde”. I said that won’t shock ANYONE.
My husband mentioned that I was a White House Intern. That maybe surprising to some. Then he said a few things I can’t repeat.
I almost killed Ted Danson. Although I’m not sure I should admit it. It was my first trip to LA. A girl’s trip with my roommate from college. We were driving (let me put this on her…she was driving) up PCH. We’re looking at everything but the road. Some guy darts across the street. I screamed. She slammed on the brakes. I said “isn’t that Ted Danson?” It was.
Years later my husband was walking out of the Paramount parking garage. A car almost hit him. The driver was Ted Danson.
So Ted and I are even.
So what else is surprising about me? I can rip on a rip stick. But I’d rather be paddle boarding. I love to write. In fact I’d rather write than be on TV. That’s probably surprising.
A woman just came up to me and said “I watch you every morning”. I said…at car pool? I can be snarky. Not sure that’s a shock.
I’m a good Mom. But a so-so wife. My husband does most of the cooking. Surprised?
If you know anything else surprising about me please tell me.
Enough about me. We went to the Hollywood Bowl Saturday.
The legend that is Stevie Wonder played with John Legend. Patti Austin got all jazzy. Steven Tyler did his screechy sexy Dream On. He shook his butt in the faces of those in the front rows. There were fireworks (that seemed to come from Steven’s butt).
We had the perfect night. And I thought to myself…never before have I taken the time (OK I was forced to take the time off..but still) to contemplate how very blessed I am . Maybe that’s the most surprising thing of all.
I love life. I love God. I fear no man. Or bird.
Quite frankly…nothing about you surprises me….LOL
I was just thinking yesterday…where the bloody heck is Dorothy’s blog?
This one was fun to read.
Hi Girl,
I am only a tiny bit surprised about the writing revelation, I keep telling you put it in script form and have it both ways!
On another note ” Christmas in July” is coming July 13th and of course you are invited. Gotta call Kristie, she collects ornaments…..Take care BFF
A lot of what you said would surprise many. For those of us that have watched you on TV and read your blg, well, we know more, so it’s going to take more to surprise us. Depends on the market you are going for. Even that you have a dog. How bout mending kids? Yadda yadda.
I love this article. And the last part really spoke to me. I was also laid off (I was a legal secretary at a large law firm) at the end of January and I am currently working on my jewelry designing business. I went to the beach yesterday and thought to myself – how precious this time has been since I was laid off. More time with my husband, my parents, doing what I love (designing and making jewelry) and not being a part of that rat race. It’s just priceless! So I understand where you are coming from and it’s a great feeling! Sooo what is this new project you are working on???
The biggest surprise?
I am surprised that a talented intelligent “snarky so so wife “who throughly entertained me for years ( and I watch from New Hampshire) would get s***canned!
Dorothy, could you just SHOCK me and send me a HELLO in an email so i know you’re looking at our responses? Sure would appreciate it..
I recently visited a dear friend who is in the final stages of ALS and believe me, when you see someone going through such a horrendous disease, it really puts everything into perspective and makes you realize just how blessed we all are.
P.S.,,,and there’s nothing like the Hollywood Bowl..what a magical place
Hello! Did I shock you? Xo DL
Hi Dorothy I watched you for years and I admired your wit however I didn’t realize how funny you were until following you on twitter and reading your blog. I think you’re hilarious
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