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I’m floating on air.
Not on the wings of angels.
But on the hands of strangers.
Ten people holding me.
Ten feet in the air.
How’d I get here?
A friend said meet me tomorrow night.
She said leave early they’ll be traffic (Thursday is the new Friday).
In this new decade I’ve managed to give up all alcohol and most food.
I’m on raw food cleanse.
7/11 girl.
It’s a lot of broccoli for someone who prefers chips and cheese.
But if I can give up eating shit…
I can give up being late.
I’m early.
I sign some I won’t sue you form.
Then my friend informs me that last week they all walked on glass.
My ass is leaving.
But then Bucky & Leah begin.
He’s tall.
She’s tiny.
They are life partners and life coaches in a company called Soulful Hustler.
Had I bothered to ask my friend where we were meeting I would’ve known it was a workshop on finding your purpose and monetizing your passion.
They spoke about knowing your true value.
About how we devalue ourselves when we’re hurt.
They spoke about clearing clutter from your brain.
It sounded sane.
They had us write something nice we wished our parents had said to us.
I’m lucky.
I had a nice childhood.
But I did manage to come up with some dysfunction.
We stood in a circle.
I was told to show each person what I had written down.
They gathered around.
Bucky said…
I did.
Bucky said…
Fall back.
I did.
Then they lifted me up.
I was floating on a cloud of empathy.
Until I thought…
Please don’t drop me.
The next guy was a big guy.
I was holding his shoulders.
I thought…
Please don’t drop him.
I didn’t.
We each did this.
All ten of us.
Some cried.
I just sighed.
And felt peaceful.
When we were finished Bucky asked each us to finish the sentence…
I feel like saying…
The big guy said…
I feel like saying…
I love all of you.
I said…
I feel like saying…
I have to pee.
I mean it was a three-hour workshop…
And I’d had a lot of tea.
I was truly floating…
In every way.
Thanks for the blog love.
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