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Went to a fancy party.
A book party for my friend Char the psychic.
I see an oversized copy of her book on the table.
I go to open it.
Only it isn’t a book.
It‘s a cake.
This reminds me of my wedding cake.
It was in the shape of Tiffany boxes.
People thought it was a pile of gifts and almost piled more on top.
I’ve known Char since before I got married.
We met years ago on a TV show I was hosting.
It was my first day.
My first guest was a psychic named Char.
When we met she said…”You won‘t be here long.”
Now I had just left a good TV job for what I thought was a TV better job.
Plus I lived in LA and was commuting to NYC for this show.
Who lives in Marina del Rey & works in Brooklyn?
Char assured me something better was coming.
The something better was Good Day LA.
Char and I became friends that day.
She‘s always predicted good things for me.
Like my son.
Before him I had two miscarriages.
One while doing two TV shows.
I’d do Good Day LA in the morning and Scoop with Sam and
Dorothy in the afternoon.
I hadn’t told anyone at work I was pregnant.
So I didn’t tell anyone about the miscarriage.
I went to work and faked my smile.
The next day we had a psychic on.
As the segment was about to end she turned to me and said…“It was a girl.”
I thought I might cry, vomit, pass out or all three on TV.
Sometime after that I saw Char.
She immediately saw dead people.
She said “Who are Sadie & Sonny?”
They were Mr G‘s Aunts that had passed away.
She said…they want you to see your doctor, have a certain test and find out why you’re having miscarriages.
Somehow I didn’t go.
Char called me.
Apparently the Aunts were bugging her.
She said…go talk to your doctor.
I did.
I had the test and they figured out why I was having miscarriages.
Not long after that I had Nash.
I always say he’s Char’s baby.
She’d come over to play.
They’d take pots, pans and wooden spoons out and parade around the house banging & singing…
“The toy shop door is locked up tight and everything is quiet for the night….
When suddenly the clock strikes 12…
The fun‘s begun.
The dolls are in there best arrayed
There’s going to be a wonderful parade…”
I’ve bored my son with this story and song many times.
Char and I still sing that song whenever we’re together.
Even at her fancy book party.
Where I tried to read her cake.
Char‘s new book is called The Universe is Calling (as you may have noticed on the giant cake).
Reading and loving her book!
Beautiful, I sure miss seeing you on TV. We live in So. Ore and have followed you for several years
Thanks for the love.
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What a beautifully written account of a beautiful and touching experience.there are no coincidences. You were meant to meet Char and have her in your life. I’ve been especially fortunate to have Char in my life and as my sister.