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My old friends at WABC are kicking butt covering Sandy. But she kicked everyone’s butt. I spent the morning checking on friends back east (at least those I can’t see on TV). Everyone seems to be OK. We were laughing about a hurricane party I had in my apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. This was back when I worked with Regis. So long ago he called me “Young Lucey” Drinking in a high-rise during a hurricane was probably dumb. Hence the phrase young and dumb.
NJ Governor Christie said frankly he didn’t give a damn (very Rhett Butler) about the presidential race today. He’s right. It’s not a day for politics. So forgive me for one sentence on it. If Mitt had picked Christie as VP he would probably win. I said this before in a blog I called “Shit Mitt!”. I got a lot of shit for it so lets move on. But first a photo from a nutty Halloween party of me with a mitt and “Mitt.” Seriously doesn’t my friend’s husband look like Mitt?
In the midst of all this talk about Sandy…
My little Sandra made it home safely to her home in El Salvador. I used that beautiful child as an excuse to not exercise. I should keep a food diary but that could be scarier than Halloween. I just (lets see it’s noon) ate the cold remains of Nash’s bagel from 7AM. And that’s healthy for me.
Someone needs to kick my butt. At least I’m exercising a bit. I went paddle boarding at a beach called Heaven. And it was.
For the moment Heaven is knowing friends and family (and their dogs) on the East Coast are all OK.
Dorothy Lucey you are the best. I miss hearing your voice on TV in the mornings. I’m so glad you have this blog, it inspires me to do kind things for others and to be better person. Please keep writing and sharing.
GM Dorothy, Happy Sandra made it home safe and sound. Thanks for posting these cool pics and yes your friend does resemble Mitt. Love the young Dorothy with Regis. Guess a lot of people on West coast have someone back East. My family is in Pennsylvania and thanks God they are all ok. No power but ok. What a devastating storm. Makes us all think that’s for sure. Thanks for your blog Dorothy but what surprises me is everyone is always complaining how much they miss you but where are there comments? I’m going to post it on Steve’s page again and see what happens. Have a heavenly day Dorothy. Love watching David on CBS. (pretty foxy) lol
Love and Peace
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Hello Dorothy Lucey, You know your priorities. Friends who Love their friends check on their friends in good times & scary times. This was a wake up call for all the people in our country. Always help others you never know when you will need help. This country doesn’t need a President to fix everything. It needs a revival of Spirit. Keep up the good work, your charities do good. Your Blog is kicking our butt into action, you are a quirky person in a good way. You don’t need an anchor chair to speak your mind. Thank You Ms. Dorothy Lucey, been a fan for a long time.