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I just put on my sweat belt thing…which reminded me to post the blog I wrote for the Huffington Post. This is basically a lazy 2 for 1 post. xo
This is why I don’t make lists. on my (nonexistent) to do list, hike, have sex with my husband and blog. Well I am doing one of those things. Hello Blog.
(I’m not just blogging. I’m burning calories. I’m wearing this thing on my tummy. It looks like a wetsuit and it’s wet with sweat. You’re supossed to wear it for 45 minutes. I’m going to see if I can blog and lose an ounce in 45 minutes.)
I used to have a great job on TV. For 18 years I actually got paid to gossip about famous people. Then I got a new boss. He said my voice made his eyes bleed. I never saw any actual blood but nevertheless he fired me. So now I’ve had some time to repent and reinvent myself.
(Speaking of time I have been wearing this sweaty thing for seven minutes now. It’s itchy).
I always say Pamela Anderson saved my life. God helped. But mostly it was Pam. She didn’t save me in a BAYWATCH way. I was only drowning in gossip. Our kids went to school together. I will never forget a brilliant sunny day when she put sunscreen on my son. They were practically nose to nipple. But I digress.
(Now very itchy. Getting bitchy…bitchier. Better get to the point).
One Good Day LA was reporting on people I knew. On kids that I knew, I live in Malibu. I was reporting on people I saw at Starbucks. You should not shit where you eat (or where you drink coffee). Having a relationship with Pam and starting a relationship with God was changing me. Slowly.
(Slow burn on my tummy. Twenty minutes. Must have burned off a Girl Scout cookie by now).
For penance and for my sanity started doing charity work. Actually I think work is the wrong word. I find charity “work” fun. That’s why The Good News Girls (The Good News Foundation is a group of LA newswoman dedicated to making some GOOD news in LA) came up with the word FUN-lanthropy. You feel good doing good. The best self-help is to help someone else. You forget your crap when you help someone with their crap.
(Twenty three minutes. Half way there. i don’t think you are supposed to eat while wearing this thing but I am having a piece of cheese. Soon I will be wearing this thing and drinking wine).
In my free time (which I have a lot of now) I went to Africa. Twice. I was a volunteer on a medical missions for a charity called Mending KIds Internstional.The surgeons save lives. The volunteers make sure they have M&Ms and toilet paper. Not a lot of toilet paper in Ethiopia. Your right hand is for eating. Left hand is for wiping. We also hold the hands of the parents while the kids are in surgery. You definitely want to hold the right hand.
Africa deserves its own Blog. I would go back in a minute but the trip is expensive. I flew with a friend who is a flight attendant. So much cheaper. But you fly standby. I got the last seat out of Ethiopia. It was the jump seat. We stopped (thankfully just for a few minutes) in The Sudan. And I got bumped off a flight or two. It’s a bit like The Amazing Race.
(You think I would have lost weight in Africa. Somehow I gained weight. Must have been the beer. The wine was bad and the beer was cheap 3 Bir about 50 cents a beer).
When I got home I “adopted” an 11-year-old girl. it’s in quotes because I only got to keep her for four months. Sandra comes from El Salvador. Brought here by Mending Kids. Her hand was one piece of flesh. An amazing surgeon at Shriners Hospital LA made her fingers. She lived with my family and me while recovering from two surgeries.
Her family is very poor. She had never been in a car before coming to LA. She got car sick everyday. She threw up in all the best places, on Rodeo Drive, at Huckleberry’s in Santa Monica. She once threw up at CNN when I was doing a TV appearance. She spoke no English. My Spanish sucks. But we did communicate. And maybe I did spoil her a bit. A child should see Disneyland AND California Adventure, right?
She is back home on now. So part of my heart is in El Salvador. I can still see her waving goodbye. With 10 perfect fingers.
(Took 10 minutes to write that, Only 7 minutes left to sweat.)
I did charity “work” when I was working. But somehow it’s more rewarding now. I had a great job. Now I’m “working” on having a great life.
I don’t get to shop but I do get to drop my son off at school everyday. Every morning he tells me I am too happy. That is his assessment of me. He actually said you are too happy and you eat too much cheese. I said life is gouda (too cheesy?)
(If I would cut the cheese I wouldn’t have to wear this thing. But I’m done)
My tummy is bright red. I hope I shed some weight. In case you are wondering I’m not a paid spokesperson for this weird tummy thing. My husband will tell you I’m not paid for anything anymore. We are a one pay check family. I will have to find a job someday. For now I’m a Mommy Blogger. Mostly enjoying life. Sucking in my gut and making the world a slightly better place.
I’m saving the world one glass of wine at a time. The wine goes so well with the cheese.
My 45 minutes are up,
Goodbye for now little blog.
Awesome blog Dorothy! Love every word of it So when are you going to El Salvador to visit your “daughter”? hehehe I’m sure her mother will share her with you!
Enjoy your wonderful life! One glass of wine at a time!
I have to tell u since good day la fired u and jill I’ve gone over to channel 5 many I know also changed I hope there rateings have drowned in almost zero viewers. I miss the gossip now follow tmz lol glad to see u re surface. Now that ur off let’s plan a sibling for your son lol u got time
welcome back to the wonderful regular world of non-celebrity Dorothy..ain’t it grand? you have nothing to complain about though, living in Malibu..just love that little town…i just love reading your blog too. I can just see the tears in your eyes when you were waving goodbye to Sandra..What a wonderful gift you’ve given her. You’re a good person and i hope to see you back on tv again, but go national because i recently moved out of southern California..take care Dorothy and enjoy your summer..thanks for the go have some cheese
This post warmed my heart and made me smile. It was becoming obvious that doing the gossip on GDLA was compromising your integrity. Yes, I do miss seeing you in the morning, but , I am so very, very happy that you are now able to share your love with the rest of the world. I’m beyond happy that you are so happy!!!
Big xoxoxoxoxo’s to you Dorothy!
great blog!!
Letting you go at GDLA made my heart bleed!!! I don’t watch GDLA
any more too boring !! That boss needs his ass kicked the show really
sucks….even Steve is not the same
Love your blogs….you are such a wonderful person!
Dorothy, you don’t ever have to believe that ass (yes ass) since obviously we all loved, loved , loved your voice for many years. That was the case since you, Jillian & Steve were always #1 in ratings. That ass totally did all the other morning show’s a huge favor, dismantling GDLA. I know they had to benefit in increasing their viewership and GDLA has had to go down in ratings.
Anyway, your “dance card” (no I’m not THAT OLD) will always be full because you will always be needed and that never goes away. You’re wonderful at it……………….Just on a personal note, I would love to watch you doing your travels to help people. I think showing how you gals do these things would show many others how they can help, you know, expose some of these different parts of the world & bring awareness…………….also show your funny side of a dire situation, but that it has a place. Laughter is the best medicine………
Love reading your blog!
You make me laugh….. Thank you for that!! I love that you give your time and heart to helping others…
Enjoy your time with your family since time goes by so fast… Love your blog:)
Hi Dorothy,
Not sure how I got to your blog…..bouncing around and then saw your name and thought, “what’s she up to”. Nice reading about a bit of your life post GDLA….life goes on. I always had channel 11 on, now…not so much…feel a little sorry for Steve. Sometimes he looks like he wants to grab those two knuckleheads and bang their heads together ala Three Stooges. Then again, he looked like he wanted to do that to you and J sometimes, but in a good way .
Now, it’s a little channel 5 , then CBS, then ESPN.
Enjoy your family and life. Thanks for the entertainment through the years.
God bless,
I can’t believe what I’m hearing! Jullian is getting her own show but you’re not? That’s crazy! You have the style, the class, the personality and I might also add that you have the legs! When are we going to see them – and you – back on television again? I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of people say that GDLA is just not the same without you and they are right! Hopefully, you will be back on television again because you are greatly missed!
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The new boss at fox is an ASS! Maria S & the new Asian girl suck!!!!!!!!! Not to mention their voice is horrible! Their not funny after several attempts! His eyes should have really bursted by now if that was the case!